Collective Contemporist:
Convergence of
Cross-Cultural Creativity & Commerce


Founded in 2018 by partners Maurice Li and Yoko Choy, Collective Contemporist is a creative consultancy with offices in Beijing, Hong Kong and Amsterdam.


We represent a handpicked community of international creatives who celebrate contemporary art and design with a focus on cultural and hospitality experiences. The concept was to create a platform for creators from around the world to connect to an audience in China to pursue business opportunities through exhibitions, special project commissions, studio representation and product licensing.

The notion of East-meets-West is more to us than just an alignment of two aesthetic visions; our mission, as a multicultural commentator and communicator, is to raise awareness of the importance of cross-cultural development in the creative industry, to translate the knowledge and insights from both worlds into a shared artistic language and to stimulate and inspire conversations and collaborations between the two spheres.

We match talents with local businesses in the areas of real estate, hospitality, brand development, marketing and offline events.

Our creative management team will also nurture our community of creatives through business- and public-oriented exhibitions, publications, networking events, educational programmes and more.

Follow our creative journey on Instagram